What is Hypnosis?
•Have you ever wondered why when you have tried to change a habit or behavior it usually resurfaces? This is because our conscious willpower usually cannot compete with the power of the subconscious mind. •The subconscious mind is the source or root of many of our behaviors, emotions, attitudes, and motivations. Hypnosis is believed to be a powerful tool for accessing the subconscious mind and creating dramatic improvements in our lives. •During your private hypnotherapy session, you will remain completely aware of everything that is going on. In fact, many people experience a hyper awareness where sounds appear enriched, thoughts clearer and your ability to imagine and visualize is greatly enhanced. It is common for these hypnotic experiences to create sensations of deep relaxation, fluid warmth or a pleasant tingling sensation or buzz throughout your physical body. Many describe the hypnotic state as a complete and total escape from all physical tension and emotional stress, while remaining completely alert.
I've had my mental illness for a very long time.
Can You Help Me?
If you’ve had a mental or physical illness for most of your life, Hypnotherapy can help in making progressive steps towards changing your perception of it. For example, turning pain into the feeling of pressure. We can always help you, we care so much for others. If your issue has left you tired and defeated, Hypnotherapy is an excellent way to achieve lasting peace and a higher quality of life in no time at all.
I'm interested but can It truly help me?
Anybody can be hypnotized in our experience. It has the benefit of rewriting your brains behaviors, which speeds up the goals you have for managing your mental or physical illness. It essentially makes your brain work for you, instead of against you.
Can I have a chat with you first, free of charge?
Of course you can. Any questions that you have, I’ll be happy to answer. I also offer a free 20 minute Zoom introduction if you would like to talk about your issues, privately and personally.
Is hypnotherapy safe?
Yes, hypnotherapy is considered safe when performed by a trained and certified professional. It is a natural and non-invasive technique. During hypnosis, you remain in control and cannot be made to do anything against your will.
What conditions can hypnotherapy help with?
Hypnotherapy can be beneficial for a variety of issues, including anxiety, stress, smoking cessation, weight loss, phobias, sleep problems, and managing chronic pain. It may also assist with confidence-building and habit changes.
How many sessions will I need?
The number of sessions varies depending on the individual and the issue being addressed. Some people may see significant results after just one or two sessions, while others may benefit from a series of sessions to achieve their desired outcome.
Can everyone be hypnotized?
Most people can be hypnotized to some degree, though the depth of hypnosis varies. Willingness and openness to the process play a big role in how effective hypnotherapy can be. However, individuals who are highly skeptical or resistant may find it more challenging.
What type of therapy is offered?
Hypnotherapy is our main type of therapy that is offered, with it’s subsections of stopping weight lost, stopping anxiety, past life regression, and more.